Retreats - Fortbildungen - Workation

Holistic Bodywork Training Centre

In 2018, Holistic Bodywork opened its own training centre in Wendland, Germany.

The Holistic Bodywork training, founded by Pascal Beaumart, has found its home in Wendland at our Seminarhof Drawehn.

In this ideal setting, we offer a foundation for innovative holistic bodywork with our 1 – 3 year training programs, numerous courses and experts from various related fields of work. With a round seminar room, healthy cuisine and being surrounded by nature, it brings us great joy to teach here.

Holistic Bodywork is characterized by its holistic approach. The four main pillars of the training are bodywork, coaching, trauma therapy and spirituality.

The focus of the Holistic Bodywork team is to provide students with comprehensive knowledge and experiential learning within a community. This enables them to return to their field of work with more confidence, bringing more joy and ease to their private and professional lives.


Are a time and space for you

Book a session with the Holistic Bodywork team and dedicate this time to what truly moves you.

Specialised courses in
Holistic Bodywork

Each course provides an introduction to one of the complex subject areas of Holistic Bodywork.

For your professional foundation

Here we teach our comprehensive concept enabling one to competently accompany people on all levels.